Tuesday, July 13, 2010

On Linguistic Overload

I have come to really admire Europeans and their linguistic agility.  Many of the people at these workshops speak 4 or 5 languages quite well, if not fluently.  For example, Fausto, a saxophonist at the advanced instrumental workshop is French, lives in Italy, speaks excellent English (he'll be attending my alma matter, NEC in September), as well as German.  I'm sure there are other languages in there too, but it's pretty impressive the way that he's not exactly an exception.  The Dutch people speak at least some combination of Dutch, German, English, French and Hebrew. 

My poor North American brain is not equipped to handle this type of dexterity.  I have been experiencing linguistic overload.  Conversing in English and German was tricky at times (although my German is definitely getting better).  Now there are several French musicians and dancers here.... and Helene, upon hearing that I was from Toronto, immediately came over to me and started up a conversation in French. (Helene is pictured below, balancing a water bottle on her head).

So now I'm speaking in at least 3 different languages most days, and it's enough to fry your brain.  When searching for a word in one language, it frequently comes to mind in 2 others, and by the end of the day, it's nice to sit quietly and write a bit in English!

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